Eggless Chocolate Chips Bread Pudding – Sarawagi Group

Eggless Chocolate Chips Bread Pudding

Eggless Chocolate Chips Bread Pudding Image

Eggless Chocolate Chips Bread Pudding


Raj Custard Powder 2 tbsp
Raj Breakfast Sugar 1/4 cup
Bread Slice 6-8
Hot milk 1 cup
Cinnamon 1/2 tbsp
Step 1: Grease your baking tray with butter.

Step 2: Cut up the loaf into big chunks.

Step 3: If you’re using bread slices, cut them up into 4s.

Step 4: And place this into the greased mold, making sure it’s really tightly fitted in.

Step 5: Add the chocolate chips to this, and try and push the chocolate chips in through the small gaps.

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