Hotel, QSR, Bar & Cafe – Sarawagi Group

Hotel, QSR, Bar & Cafe

List of Products
1Working Table RefrigeratorFoshan Guan Yu Electric ?Appliances.,Ltd China Solid------------
2Kitchen Upright RefrigeratorFoshan Guan Yu Electric ?Appliances.,LtdChina Solid /Glass Door ----AS PER P/L----
3Plastic PalletSupreme India ----------------
4Plastic CrateSupreme India ----------------
5Fruit Syrups / Compounds/Crush/Ice TeaOsterberg IndiaCoctail / Mocktail / Lassi / Milk Shake / Coffee Etc ----P/L----
6Lite BosNature Fresh Cargill India Butter Oil Substitute----AS PER P/L----
7Butter (Salted & Un Salted)Farmer Fresh Alpha Food,India ----------------
8Butter (Salted & Un Salted)NovaSterling Agro Consumer Pack,Chiplet ------------
9Butter (Salted & Un Salted) NovaSterling Agro Consumer Pack------------
10Bakery Shortening (General Purpose) Trikey Palm Vegetop,Mly----------------
11Bakery Shortening (General Purpose)---- Alba Ngo Chew Hong, Mly ----------------
12Puff & Patties Margarine Sunbeam/Champion Mly/Cargill India Light Kharis ------------
13Rbd Vegetable Cooking OilAlba/Linda/Other Ngo Chew Hong, Mly----------------
14Rbd Vegetable Cooking OilChiefSime Darby Kempas, Mly ----------------
15Soya Bean Oil----Trikey/Alba ----------------
16Sunflower OilTradekeyImported --------AS PER P/L----
17Xtendra Mithai Magic ? Camlin India Anitmicrobial ,For Traditionol Sweet ------------
18Sugar FreeSweetos Ensign Health Care,India ----------------
20M.S.GTapp/Miwon/A One/Prime Tapp/China ----------------
21Corn FlourRaj Brand Trishul Ancilliary ----------------
22Food ColoursIff Iff India --------PL----
23Food Colours Premium Colour---- Trishul Ancillary -------- P/L----
24Hot & Sour SoupTropolite India Soup ------------
25Mix Veg SoupTropolite India Soup------------
26Sweet Corn Soup VegTropolite IndiaSoup ------------
27Tomato Nog Soup Tropolite IndiaSoup No Onion Garlic ------------
28Lime SeasoningTropolite India Replacement For Lemon Juice------------
29Aromatic SeasoningTropolite IndiaMsg Replacer And Flv Enhancer ------------
30Flexi Cr?me-GoldTropolite India Uht Cooking Cream For Truffle & Hot Kitchen (Premium Grade) ------------
31Flexi CreamTropolite India Uht Cooking Cream For Truffle & Hot Kitchen ------------
32Regular MayonnaiseTropolite India Condiment ------------
33Idli MixTropolite India For Making Soft & White Idli ------------
34Rice Dosa PremixTropolite India For Making Crispy/Uttpam Dosa------------
35Xtendra Bake MagicCamlin IndiaAnti Microbial (Cakes & Muffins)----0.2-0.4%----
36Xtendra Bakers BreadCamlin IndiaAnti Microbial ( Bread ,Bun ) ----0.3 -0.5 %----
37Icing SugarRaj Brand/Prime Trishul Ancilliary ----------------
38Milk PreparationPrime Trishul Ancilliaryi ----------------
39Milk PreparationTrishul Trishul Ancilliaryi ----------------
40Skimmed Milk Powder Farmer Fresh Alpha Food,India ----------------
41Skimmed Milk PowderNova Special India ----------------
42Condensed MilkBlue Cow / F & N Malaysia ----------------
43Coconut Powder High FatPalmo India Shree Ram Coconut India ------------
44Coconut Powder High FatElite Product IndiaAnchor Elite Product India ------------
45Coconut Powder Low FatAny Brand Srilanka / Malaysia/ India----------------
46Instant Dry Yeast Rekord Lessafre, China -------- 50% OF FY----
47Instant Dry YeastVictoria Belgium --------40% OF FY----
48Bakery Ingredients Puratos India Fillings/Bread /Cake Mixes & Improvers----P/L----
49Bakery IngredientsTropolite India Cake Mixes & Non Dairy Cream ----P/L ----